Here are a list of my goals for Australia.
1. I want to learn how to surf... not like the baby stuff I did in Hawai'i but I want to go out as often as possible and tear it up.
2. I want to be in good enough shape to go out and have fun without worrying about being to slow to keep up.
3. I want to get a sun kissed tan for when I return in January.
4. I want to remain healthy, and start liking seafood.
5. I want to attempt to throw a boomerang.
6. I want to climb Ayres Rock.
7. I want to learn how took cook some neat meals... seeing as I am going to have a kitchen.
8. I want to have some interesting conversations with some locals.
9. I want to be artistically inspired and improve my drawing skils.
10. I want to pick up a convincing Australian accent. Maybe say somethings considered local slang.
11. I want to learn how to understand the game of Rugby.
Here's Brisbane, Australia
AND... A list of goals for New Zealand.
1. I want to AVOID bungee Jumping or Sky Diving.... ugh. Free fall stuff... I can't do it.
2. I want to go White water rafting.
3. I want to go Hiking through Lord of the Rings country.
4. I want to meet Bret and Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords.
5. I want to go hiking... a lot.
6. I want to get a killer tattoo, but a really really small one.
7. I want to throw the ring into mount doom.
8. I want to go on a really awesome bike ride.
9. I want to further develop my New Zealand accent.
10. I want to meet a Maori person.
Overall goals:
1. Deepen my relationship with God.
2. Expand the artistic gifts he's blessed me with.
3. Widen my world view and have more understanding of other cultures.
4. Develop more of a self confidence.
5. Especially develop my kissing skills with random locals.... (just kidding!)
6. Understanding nature better.
7. Understanding human nature better.
8. Keep record of all of the awesome and not so awesome things that happen.
Milford Sound, in New Zealand.
I guess as you can tell, I am way WAY excited for my upcoming trip to Southeast Asia. I am going to Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Tokyo Japan.
There are so many things I'm looking forward to. I can't even begin to imagine all of the awesome things I'm going to have the opportunity to do.
Peace and Love
Colorado Countdown: 21 days? idk. Not soon enough! (I'm thinking that the colorado trip will be awesome and it will be great training for my big semester abroad trip).
Angela, my love- I am so stinkin' jealous of, but more so excited for you. This trip, I've heard, can change your life. You are already a pretty rockin' babe, so I'm thrilled to see what God will do with you over that semester. I will miss you. Like. A lot.