

Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last of 2010

This is the blog where I talk about all of my resolutions for the New Year. I feel like New Years resolutions are really… just a big joke. However, I like stetting goals because it feels like I’m making steps in the right direction. I’ve found that when I at least set goals, I end up accomplishing them. Blah Blah Blah…. Words of wisdom…. Okay, I’m going to set them now.

1. Finally make it to the “ideal weight” my doctor set for me.
2. Keep up with fitness and make healthy nutrition choices.
3. Read my bible more often.
4. Paint a lot… I really need to create a diverse body of work.
5. Be a good R.A. and keep an open mind about things.
6. Be a good friend to everyone who needs it.
7. Put an end to all of my procrastination.
8. Improve my GPA more and more each semester.
9. Cut it out with gossip. Try to do less of it.
10. Do my best with the things I commit to do: Activities Director, R.A., Painter, Spring Sing... etc.
11. Work at being happy everyday, no matter my predicament.
12. Be more giving to my community.
13. Get more people to sign up for HUA!

Well… I guess that’s it for now. I’ve got to go take a walk with my family. No complaints there.

Peace and Love (P.S. I am coming up with a new phrase for the new year because this one is just so cliché).


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